Key Elements of Good Nutrition and Fitness

Keeping fit and healthy is an important factor in everyday life. With a healthy lifestyle, you can cope up with stress and fight various illnesses. The aim of living a long life will also be attained with a healthy routine. You will have abundant energy to accomplish work and to try new things or go on an adventure when you are fit and healthy. To succeed in attaining a healthy lifestyle, Here are some of the basic elements of good nutrition and fitness:

Healthy Diet and Multivitamins

Look for foods that are grown naturally or grazing in nature. Stay away from processed food as this has minimal or no essential nutrients.

A healthy diet is all about getting the right amount of nutrition, with the proper balance of the following:

  • Carbohydrates which provide energy. These include whole grains and foods made from those grains, such as whole-wheat bread, bulgur, barley, oatmeal, brown rice, and cornmeal. The recommended consumption of carbohydrates is 225 to 325 grams per day. 

  • Fats or Healthful Fats which provide backup energy. These liquid mono-unsaturated and poly-unsaturated fats are found in olive oil, canola oil, sunflower oil, soybean oil, corn oil, nuts, seeds, and avocados, as well as fatty fish rich in omega-3 fatty acids. Fats are important but be cautious as an intake of more than 20 to 35 percent of your daily calories will raise LDL cholesterol in the blood. This can lead to an increased risk of stroke and heart disease.

  • Vitamins and Minerals that maintain optimal health. They can be sourced from several foods, including dairy products, lean protein sources, as well as fruits and vegetables. Vitamins and minerals are also needed for various physiological functions to help you survive in this world. There are 13 vitamins and 2 classes of minerals, major and trace minerals. According to experts from Supplement First, getting nutrients from food may not be very realistic at all times. Thus, taking multivitamins is a great option to meet your daily requirements of vitamins and minerals. 

  • Proteins that maintain, build, and repair tissue. This can be obtained from beans and peas, eggs, lean meats, nuts and seeds, poultry and seafood, and also, soy products.

Proper Hydration 

Water maintains vital bodily functions. Remember that an individual can live without food for weeks but can survive only days without water. Also, 80 percent should be sourced from drinking water since 20 percent can already be obtained from food intake. There is a recommendation of water intake based on life and gender as published by the Australian NHMRC. Water is also a nutritional element that helps regulate body temperature and lubricates joints. It also helps protect your major organs and body tissue as well as transport important substances throughout your entire body. 

Physical Exercise

Eating a balanced diet is not enough; thus one must not forget about physical fitness. Physical fitness is defined as the capability of your body system to work together to allow the performance of activities in daily living. However, physical fitness is not just about the fluid movement of the body, physical activity actually helps our body in managing and using the nutrients it absorbs. You would notice that fit persons can consume more but can still keep their physique lean. 

In creating a workout routine, one must consider the following factors:

  • Cardiovascular and Aerobic Conditioning. Cardio activity is the foundation of most fitness training. This is to ensure that your body can efficiently and effectively take in oxygen and deliver it to your body's tissues. Cardio activities are any physical activity that uses large muscle groups and increases your heart rate such as walking, running, cycling, swimming, circuit training, and even dancing. 

  • Muscle strength and endurance. This refers to the ability of a particular muscle group to engage against a resistance. This activity can be achieved with strength training at least twice a week. The benefits of this training are an increase in bone strength and muscular fitness, as well as maintaining muscle mass during weight loss. Handheld weights, resistance bands, and various gym equipment are suited for this activity type. Push-ups, crunches, and leg squats are also some activities in this category that use your body weight as resistance.

  • Stretching and Flexibility. Because your muscles will contract and flex during your workout routine, it is essential to stretch them too. With stretching, your joint's range of motion is increased, your posture will be better and can help relieve stress in your muscles. Flexibility also plays a role in an unhindered movement that significantly affects your balance, agility, and coordination. Simple stretching before and after your workout routine will address your flexibility or go for pilates, yoga, barre, or Tai Chi. 

  • Core stability. This pertains to activities that address your core muscles, those found in the abdomen, lower back, and pelvis. It trains your muscles to support the spine and allows you to use upper and lower body muscles more effectively. Abdominal crunches are an example of any exercise that uses the trunk of your body without any support. 

Physical and Mental Rest

An important factor that is commonly overlooked in having a healthy lifestyle is the rest and relaxation of both mind and body. Letting the body and mind relax and rest will help in rejuvenation and in the regulation of one's mood. Without proper rest, a negative impact on mood, memory, immune system, and stress levels is imminent. To ensure that you have time to rest, set a time to relax. You can do this by doing some meditation maybe taking a walk around your neighborhood or simply admiring nature. It also helps to follow a routine to assist your body and mind transition from your activities.  

Moreover, it is essential to get proper sleep to enable the body to repair and be prepared for the next day. Sleep is critical for memory consolidation, muscle repair, and in the release of hormones that regulate growth and appetite. Studies have varying results as to the required amount of sleep. However, most found that individuals with less than 6 or 7 hours of sleep increase the risk of developing different conditions such as heart problems, higher risk of cancer, inflammation, stress, and depression.

Eating healthy, keeping hydrated, staying fit, and getting enough sleep and relaxation are the elements of proper nutrition and fitness. It is imperative to look for healthy foods that will complete your required nutrition intake. Physical activity should be balanced as well, with a full range of exercise routines to address the different parts of your body. Of course, staying hydrated is vital to help in the distribution of nutrients as well as in the protection of joints and organs. After a hectic day, it is crucial to relax your mind and get enough sleep for your body to be restored and to be ready for the next day ahead!  


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